Beware Of Heat-Wave Situation In Country, Follow Instructions, NDMA Tells States

New Delhi: The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has urged all concerned departments to take steps in view of the heat wave situation in the country.

“While state governments are focusing on containing the spread of COVID-19, attention also needs to be given to mitigate the adverse effects of heat wave. This is important as heat-wave related illness/death may adversely impact the already overloaded hospital infrastructure in states,” points out a letter of Ministry of Home Affairs.

According to the weather report received from Indian Meteorology Department (IMD) for the season, heat wave conditions are likely to be severe in 2020. To facilitate states in better management of the heat wave, the NDMA has prepared Do’s and Don’ts, keeping in mind the containment of spread of COVID-19.

As per IMD report, the maximum temperature recorded is 5.1 degree centigrade above the normal temperature, and even minimum temperature is also above 3 C to 5 C above the normal temperature in many places, the letter points out, urging all states to follow instructions set out by NDMA.

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