COVID Alert: Health Ministry Issues Guidelines For DIY Masks

New Delhi: The Union Health Ministry has issued an advisory recommending homemade masks for people stepping out of their homes, especially in densely populated areas. This comes after the United States did a U-turn and recommended masks for all.

Earlier, the Health Ministry had advised sticking to social distancing and like other nations, didn’t recommend masks for all.

Homemade, reusable masks can be used to cover faces and mouths, the ministry said on Saturday.

“…it is suggested that such people who are not suffering from medical conditions or having breathing difficulties may use the handmade reusable face cover, particularly when they step out of their house. This will help in protecting the community at large,” it said in a statement.

People are advised to keep two masks in hand so they can wear one while the other is washed. The advisory recommends washing masks with soap and hot water, and drying in the sun for at least 5 hours. Alternatively, the mask can be boiled in a pressure cooker for 10 minutes or normal vessel for 15 minutes. You can also apply heat on the mask for up to five minutes using an electric iron, after washing it with soap.

Users should wash their hands with soap for 20 seconds before wearing their masks.

Health workers, however, have to use specified protective gear, not homemade masks, the ministry clarified.

The advisory noted that face covers should not be shared among individuals.

Here’s the complete guide:

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