NewDelhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) found itself in a position when eleven of its MPs. Some of whom are cabinet ministers. Were missing during the presentation of the One Nation, One Election Bill, in the Lok Sabha despite being instructed to attend by a three line directive, from the party leadership.
The government was able to gather 269 votes in favor of the Constitution (129th Amendment) Bill, in 2024 which has raised doubts about its capacity to garner the two thirds majority for the constitutional amendment bills approval.Opposition Congress MP Manickam Tagore directly questioned the governments competence to secure the threshold considering its challenges, in maintaining a majority.
Several notable figures were missing from the session including known cabinet ministers, like Nitin Gadakri and Jotiradity Scindia as well as MPs Shantanu Thakur,Jagadambika Pal BY Raghavendra Vijay Baghel,Udayanraje Bhonsle,Bahagirth Chaudhari,Jagannath Sarkar and Jayanta Kumar Roy.The absence of Balasouri, from the Jana Senai Party also stood out during this session.
Sources, from within the party have confirmed that the leadership of the BJP plans to send notifications to MPs who were absent and failed to adhere to the three line whip issued on Monday night which required their presence during the session, per parliamentary protocols; MPs are expected to inform the party whip with valid explanations for any absences post a whip issuance or risk facing disciplinary measures that might even include suspension of membership.
Law Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal introduced two bills in the parliament – the constitutional amendment bill and the Union Territory Laws (Amendment) Bill of 2024. With the goal of aligning Lok Sabha and state assembly elections schedules.The bills received pushback from opposition parties during deliberations.
The event has led to conversations, within the BJP regarding party rules. The difficulties anticipated in pushing through this legislative change, in the future.The absence that caught everyone off guard might create hurdles for the government in its plans to introduce elections as an electoral reform measure according to political experts.
The One Nation One Election proposal is an reform effort, by the BJP government that seeks to organize elections for both the Parliament and state assemblies at the same time The proposed constitutional amendment needs approval from a two thirds majority, in both houses of Parliament.
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